●Boosey & Hawkes Bass Clarinet, Imperial to Low C or Eb!
Amazing Condition. Extremely Rare Professionally Owned
Every once in a while as a dealer one comes across truly special instrument. This one ticks all the right boxes! This model is so rare that it is the only one of its type I have ever seen: The instrument is provided with an extension, made at the B & H factory, so that it can be played as a low C OR low Eb Bass as required. It is in immaculate condition as it is part of the Tony Lamb collection. The instrument has been played professionally in the English National Opera Orchestra many times by Tony, Principal Clarinet. The silver plating is perfect, the leather pads and corks all excellent, the keywork regulation silent and positive. The wood is Boosey & Hawkes at its best: lovely smooth grained Grenadilla, NO marks, chips or repairs ever. The crook and bell are pristine with only the merest scratch to show that this fine Professional Bass isn't brand new. The instrument features additional LH Eb/Ab lever and articulated C#/G#; all the bells and whistles. The tone hole on the bell acts as a low Eb without the extension fitted. When the extension is added the low Eb, D & C# issue from it and the low C comes from the bell tone hole. Simple and ingenious with both being actuated by the same lever. Thus the low Eb comes from 2 different tone holes, the first one of the extension when fitted and, when the extension is not added, from the bell tone hole. The matching serial nos. are 458247.
ブージー&ホークスのバスクラってだけでも、まぁ珍しいですよね。イギリス製でしょうか?その上ですよ、なんと後付ではなくて純正のLow Cエクステンションが付いていて、Low EbとLow Cどちらとしても使えますっていう優れもの。しかも、前オーナーは英国国立オペラオーケストラの首席クラリネット奏者という筋金入り?です。
Low Cといえば、我らがルブランにもLow Cモデルがあるんですよね。こんなヤツです。
●Leblanc Professional Bb Bass Clarinet -Range to LOW C !
これもエクステンションっぽく見えるけど、キーのシャフトがつながっていることからもわかるように、分割できないはず。最新のカタログ見ても、同じようになってます。おそらく下管の上部はLow Ebモデルと共通なのでしょう。
●Selmer bass clarinet extension


この方、Boosey and Hawkes bass clarinet extensionってのも作ってるようで、

先の純正とは違う後付なわけですが、非常に美しい仕上がりです。高いんでしょうけど、お仕事頼んでみたいですねー。Pete Worrelさんです。

Here is a rare Improved Angle Bass Clarinet Neck from the great master Charles Bay. This one measures almost exactly one inch in diameter from outer edge to outer edge Circumference is approx. 3 1/8 inches. This one is slightly too small for my Leblanc Bass Clarinet. Any good woodwind or brass repair tech can adjust the size of the tenon. This one is marked on the tenon SMALL OD and just above that v-y.
開始価格がUS $450.00と、結構いいお値段してます。まぁレア物には違いないんですが、オークションでもたまに見かけます。それより、なんじゃこりゃ?と思ったのはこちら。
●Bass Clarinet Customize by Charles Bay Band Selmer ? NR
This auction is for a used Bass Clarinet customized by Charles Bay with Charles Bay Improved Angle neck and hardcase. I would rate this item to be 85% cosmetic condition. Hopefully, pics will tell you more. On this clarinet I do not find any stampings other than the serial number 1881E. There appears to be a crack in this horn up by the silver tag refer to pic). There is a silver tag that states customized Charles Bay Clarinets. The mouthpiece is stamped Henry Selmer Paris and the silver ring is stamped Buffet Cramptom France. The hardcase has the silver tag stamped Charles Bay Clarinets on it. There a some scratches from use/age (refer to pics). This is purely cosmetic.
これ、いま考えると、なんとか落としてみるべきだったかも知れません。値段もUS $366.95と、それほど上がらなかったんですね…。
上から見ていくと、マウスピースこそセルマー(リガチャーはクランポン)のようですが、例の改良ネック付き、プラ管、上管の上部にCharles Bayのプレートあり、しかも一部のキー(左の薬指と右の人差し指)にはドイツ?のコインが使われているという、なんともファンキーで遊び心満点な仕様です。ケースにまでCharles Bayと入っているらしい。ベースの機種は何でしょう、ヤマハ(Vito製?)あたりでしょうか。