
出た!メタルバスクラMoennig metal bass clarinet

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Moennig Metal Bass Clarinet VERY RARE! VERY COOL! WOW!

This is a VERY RARE Moennig metal bass clarinet. Moennig made the only metal bass clarinet that I've ever seen and these cool horns are very rare and collectible, not to mention neat! Thos one is in very good condition. There are patches on the neck-it was probably pulled down at some point, but the repair is very good. Pads and action have just been attended to and the clarinet plays great. A great novelty or a great player. WOW!続きを読む
posted by yamadan at 04:16| 東京 ☀| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | eBay | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




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